Improving Water Accessibility

Implementing Sustainable Solutions

Empowering Local Collaborators

Promoting Global Awareness

All people have the right to access the most basic human need: Clean water.
At the root of all humans’ needs is water. In order to have basic hygiene, sanitation, effective hydration, and crops with a good yield, there must be safely managed water systems.

To create greater water accessibility in developing countries, through the implementation of sustainable solutions and the empowerment of local collaborators.

Striving to ensure all people have equitable access to clean water, the most basic human need.

What is the problem?
Many vulnerable populations all over the world still do not have readily available access to safe drinking water. Two billion people (1 in 4 people) still lack safely managed drinking water services in 2020 (WHO/UNICEF/JMP).
Who are we?
We are individuals who see a global issue and want to be a part of the solution. We focus on empowering locals with the appropriate resources and technology to respond to their communities' water-related issues.
What is the meaning of the name - The Ayin Project?
Ayin is Hebrew meaning, "Eye" or "To Watch Over" and "Spring" or "Spring of Water. Both meanings are imperative to our work to see vulnerable communities in need who are dealing with water accessibility issues.
The word "Project" is used intentionally to indicate our work in a community will have an intended start and completion date. Our end goal is for projects and/or solutions to be handed off to capable, competent local people to manage their communities.
Why does the problem exist and persist?
The problem is complex. But to begin, many vulnerable populations lack education and access to helpful resources concerning their water situation. The issue persists mainly because many organizations, businesses, and governments don't effectively collaborate with one another to truly empower vulnerable populations. Additionally, many communities are unaware of how to repair and maintain their current water sources.
Annually, around 60,000 handpumps are installed in Sub-Saharan Africa. 30-40% of handpumps installed break and no longer work. More often than not these broken hand pumps are abandoned and fall into disuse. (Rural Water Supply Network)
$1.2 billion in lost investment in water infrastructure has been identified by the World Bank over the past 20 years.

What is our solution?
The solution can not be oversimplified by solely installing more and more water sources. This issue is complex and it requires both immediate relief - often in the form of installing a water source - and it requires collaborative and sustainable efforts over the long term. The social, economic, and environmental impact of a community must also be considered. We by no means have it all figured out, but we are diligently working towards holistic, sustainable responses to these water issues.
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes helpful, collaborative-minded organizations and committed locals to help a village rise up and bring change.
What do we do?
We assess. We educate. We train. We come alongside. We collaborate. We implement sustainable solutions. We hand off. We evaluate. We raise awareness.
We assess on-the-ground needs, with a skilled team using geospatial technologies. Based on the data found, we educate vulnerable populations about the problem of unsafe drinking water in their communities. Then together, we implement sustainable solutions to increase water accessibility both immediately and into the future. Appropriate solutions include but are not limited to - installing piped water systems, constructing rain catchment systems, testing and purifying water sources, training hand-pump repair teams, and educating local leaders on their community water impacts. The timeline for these projects will vary depending on the need.
Finally, we raise awareness in privileged communities in hopes that they become more aware of the need and feel inspired to participate in the work. This looks like speaking in U.S. K-12 schools, participating in after-school programs, doing collaborative projects with University classes, etc. In order to accomplish this, we look to collaborate with other organizations, professionals, businesses, government agencies, churches, and schools. Together we can make a long-lasting impact.
Whom are we educating?
Vulnerable demographics that suffer from a lack of clean water.
Professionals and schools who work in sustainability.
Children in the US, to raise global awareness.
Whom do we serve?
Communities in need who lack access to readily available, clean drinking water. These communities are primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Long-Term Follow-Up?​
We are committed to performing project follow-ups 6 months, 12 months, and annually for up to 5 years after a project has been handed off. We want to see communities succeed over the long term, not just in the short term. Routine follow-up is a part of that success.

We Empower

We Educate